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Silene Capensis - Dream Root - 25g

Regular price R 190.00 ZAR
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Silene capensis is regarded by the Xhosa tribe as a sacred herb and an oneirogenic agent - a substance that causes lucid, vivid dreams, noticeably in colour and vibrancy.

The root is traditionally used to induce vivid (and according to the Xhosa, prophetic) lucid dreams during the initiation process of shamans. 

Description & Benefits

The user's dreams for the following several nights are said to be more vivid and memorable than usual.
It is regarded across the world as one of the most powerful of the dream enhancing ethno botanical plants.


Silene Capensis - Dream Root - 25g


A small amount of the root (or root powder) is pulverised with water to produce a white froth.
This froth is then sucked off and swallowed.

Use half a teaspoon at a time

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