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Wake Me Up Tea - 80g

Regular price R 90.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 90.00 ZAR
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 Green Tea, Nettle and Peppermint Infusion.
Provides energy, improves brain function and digestion.

Struggling to consume loose-leaf tea without a strainer? These cotton, re-usable teabags are the answer for you.

Description & Benefits

Health Properties:

Alterative, Analgesic, Antibacterial, Antiemetic, Antihistamine, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Anti-viral, Astringent, Blood building, Carminative, Circulatory, Diaphoretic, Digestive, Diuretic, Stimulant.

Our Wake Me Up Tea contains just enough caffeine to wake you up and give you energy without causing anxiety or jitters. It improves brain function by making you more alert and enhances your memory, concentration, and attention. It activates your digestive system by aiding digestion and absorption as well as remove toxins. Our morning blend supports the immune system by warding off infections and viral diseases and may be used to calm symptoms of colds, flu, fever, and allergies such as hay fever and asthma. It contains iron, may help build the blood and prevent anemia.

Flavour profile: This cooling peppermint flavour has a slight bittersweet and complementing herbaceous undertone. It leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean.

Caution: Not to be used when pregnant. Consult with your health practitioner before taking herbs while on medication.


Green Tea, Nettle and Peppermint


Aprox 40 servings

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